Wednesday, October 16, 2013

No More War

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        Chemist, Biochemist, Physicist, medical doctor, holistic experimenter, anti-war activist, and anti-nuclear test activist: Linus Pauling. The holder of 42 different PhD's, and arguably one of the most intelligent men to have ever lived. Living from 1901-1994, Linus Pauling lived through two wars and two global police actions that the U.S. involved themselves in: WWI, WWII, The Vietnam  Global Police Action, and The Korean Global Police action. Having seen the effects of war on this country, he became an anti-war activist, and gave several talks about the importance of diplomacy. He also lived through the cold war and nuclear age.
Seeing the destruction that a nuclear bomb could cause he began to study physics extensively. While other scientists were designing bigger bombs, Pauling was planning what the best way to get rid of them would be. Pauling feared a nuclear war after what had been inflicted upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWI and because of this he became an adamant protester against the increase in the number of nuclear bombs that the U.S. put into production. His major feat was in joining the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists. This committee was filled with the brightest scientists from all around America, and was chaired by Albert Einstein. These scientists pooled their resources and
launched onto a campaign which they hoped would turn public opinion in favor of disarmament. Nearly all members of this group earned a Nobel Peace Prize for their activism, and Pauling was among them. However, these scientists and Pauling in particular faced considerable opposition from the U.S. government. When Pauling began to stir up the American populace against Nuclear Armament, the federal government tried to both discredit him and shut down many of his activities. Even going so far as to revoke his passport in 1952 in order to prevent him from attending international peace talks in Britain. By peaceably continuing his protests and activism while using hard scientific data to prove his assertions, Linus Pauling shows that no matter how large and resourceful the foe, your goals can be accomplished through force of will and intellect. His example has led me to incorporate the theme of intelligence into my own leadership. Because any activist that can use irrefutable evidence to support his or her claims is a force to be reckoned with; they are unable to be discredited, and therefore make a larger impact on society. This is my goal where my leadership style is concerned. Whenever I begin to feel passionately on an issue that I feel warrants change, I will arm myself not just with opinions and moral arguments, but with cold, unyielding data and hard facts.


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