Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blog #4

Bryson Welch   
One of my favorite things to do is to share dinner with someone. Therefore, in order for me to express my idea of what defines leadership I am going to create a “menu for successful leadership”. Any menu should contain options for different appetizers, main courses, deserts and of course drinks. A good meal should always begin with the appetizer since it lays the ground work for the rest of the meal. People possessing leadership roles started off by preparing a group for the plans, ideas, and beliefs that he or she planned on following if they managed to gain enough support. An appetizer is similar to the beginning stages any leader must follow. Next, most importantly in any meal is the main course, it can be compared to the actions a leader takes because they are most important to a good leader and his or her success depends entirely on their actions. Finally, the desert which rewards the eater with its deliciousness. A good leader should encourage their followers and reward them for good deeds. Throughout the whole process of consuming a meal one thing that is crucial is the drink. Without a drink all other components may fall apart, the drink keeps things in line, just like the leader who replenishes and keeps his or her followers focused. Overall, a good leader brings out the best in everyone just like each individual course of a good meal. Each course serves to complement one another.